The Revisionatrix is a Cruel (and Cool) Mistress.

Richard Rush's Dominatrix 6x6
The Revisionatrix messes with your vision and your mind.

I didn’t know what to expect when I began revising the first draft of my first novel, Shadow of the Black City. Right now, I feel like I’ve got even more questions than when I began. Sweet.

Truth is, it’s not all bad news. Sure there are page long deletions (alright, pages upon pages, but still) and a general wandering of the plot and awful writing (kind of like being trussed up like a slave – not that I’ve ever been, of course). However, with the Revisionatrix looking on with all her imperious malice, I’ve got my big picture editing machete and am hacking away furiously, methodically.

As the detritus falls away, and the clichés with it, something lean is emerging, something with form. As I think more about the structure of the story, other things materialize that can add muscle. That thrills me. I don’t let you-know-who know that.

I’m still a long way away, but I hope to have a yearling after this round, as opposed to the fawn that just learned to walk minutes ago. I hope to stop comparing my novel to deer.

I have to say, it has been easier to remove chunks of story, characters — pretty much anything — than I thought. I imagine each subsequent revision and rewrite will be a more difficult challenge than the previous and the Revisionatrix will ratchet things up a notch. And that’s cool. Each revision provides an opportunity to explore more and find the depth I enjoy so much in books that resonate with me.

So if you find yourself with a platform pump on your neck or the lash upon your back, take time to derive joy from the Revisionatrix and keep her stiletto heel out of your eye. And do try to keep the smile you feel inside from creeping across your face. The Revisionatrix will not like that at all.

7 thoughts on “The Revisionatrix is a Cruel (and Cool) Mistress.”

  1. Love this 🙂 Revisionatrix = one of the coolest plays on words I’ve seen in a long while! Can’t wait to be ready for my own revisionatrix!

  2. The Revisionatrix. Nice! I’ll have to watch out for her when it comes to novel revisions. I don’t think she shows up for short story revisions (why take the time to get all dressed up for a half-hour?).

    First, of course, I have to write a novel, but I’m sure Miss R. will wait for me…

    1. I think she sends one of her more efficient minions to help with the short story. At least she did with my last one. But you are right, the minion was not decked out in her leather finery, more like a conservative suit. She was all business. Thanks for checking out Words and Coffee.

  3. I love the Revisionatrix concept – too funny and a strange visual as well. The initial point to me is that you have something for revision. You put the essentials down and now with the help of Ms. R, you can keep moving. Great stuff Jonathan.

  4. Yeah, she’s standing on my neck right now too, but love the way my novel is turning out. It’s focused and the more I trim, the better it gets.

    I just hope it’s good for the agents and publishers too! 😉

    Great post, Jonathan!

    1. Thanks Teresa. It is good to hear that your process is moving you toward something you love. That gives me hope. I’m doing my best to have fun with this. I’m looking at it mostly as a learning experience than anything since it’s my first crack at it.

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