My brother and his wife came over and the four of us delved into A Game of Thrones board game. This was the second time we played since I got it for Christmas. The rules take a while to get down, but once we got rolling, good stuff. If you like games, especially ones with a little meat on the bones, check this out.
I do love games! We usually end up playing ticket to ride when it is only adults. I will def look this one up! thanks. (oh, is each game really long?)
The games supposedly last 3-5 hours – We’ve never completed one, but last night we got into the swing of things and it moved along pretty well. If you are looking for a shorter game check out Settlers of Catan – the games are shorter and it’s a lot easier to learn than Game of Thrones.
I should note I have not yet any of his books… I should, shouldn’t I? I love fantasy.
You most definitely should read these. The series isn’t done yet (in fact, it has been almost four years since the last book), but even as an unfinished series the whole package is my favorite. There’s a depth of time that comes through, a history. In addition, Martin conveys the details of the setting quite well. If, at the end of the first book, A Game of Thrones, you don’t like it, then it may not be for you, just don’t give up before finishing the first book.
Thank you, I will let you know when I do.
It is good there is not limit to comments, because I am taking more than my fare share – but I just googled Settlers of Catan and I wonder how it is I never played it. Is a staple, apparently…