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I’ve been away from the internets for much of the past 10 days. My social media involvement has been close to nil. I get antsy when this happens. Perhaps the greatest reason is the fear of becoming irrelevant.
Which is kind of funny because you have to be relevant first.
And that’s when I remind myself that it doesn’t matter if I’m staying on top of the blog and twitter if I’m not writing. After all, that’s the thing, isn’t it?
At any rate, I hope that those of you with whom I’ve connected over the last year or so will be around when I post here or jump into the twitter fray. And I hope you’ll excuse me when I’m absent.
Just know that I’m lurking out there, keeping tabs on what you all are doing. I’m just not engaging because my mind is crammed full of story and my fingers are going all Gregory Hines on my keyboard.
good luck, Jonathan – hope the writing is going great!
Thanks a bunch!
I check in every now and then too. 🙂
And it is greatly appreciated–Thanks!
Twitter?!!! I twitter..my name is “Why” Why I have no idea and every time I start to type…I say to myself, wtf, do I really give two poops if people know what I’m doing?
The funny thing is that I have a couple of folks following me…all from eastern Europe. JJ, you need to get out on my FX SHO squeeze it till WOT, and let the mind go numb…drop kick all the electronics in the drink (which I have donw twice now), paddle on glass, and bask in the incandescent light at the “rise” on Dead Womens lake…then, hit open water with a 3 meter swell!
I shall be merging with reality soon….
It sounds nice and surreal. Not so sure about the 3m swells, but the paddling on glass and the incandescent “rise” at Dead Woman’s Lake sounds good. You’ve been threatening to take me out there since my first trip up there.
Hold off on merging as long as possible. Seriously.