Author name: Jonathan Danz

Writing Crossroads

[tweetmeme source=”jjdanz” only_single=false] I went down to the crossroad, fell down on my knees I went down to the crossroad, fell down on my knees Asked the lord above “Have mercy now save poor Bob if you please” Robert Johnson – Cross Road Blues Do I forge ahead with the final 30k of my …

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The Value of Other Creative Outlets

[tweetmeme source=”jjdanz” only_single=false] Balancing creative outlets is not something I’ve done very well over the last nine months. Writing has taken the lion’s share of my creative time. I don’t think that’s a bad thing, but there are days when I miss my other main creative outlet — playing music. Music is usually a …

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How Published Authors Write

[tweetmeme source=”jjdanz” only_single=false] I’ve toiled along for the past 9+ months learning what works for me in terms of productivity. I’m feeling pretty good about that part of my writing process as I near the end of my second draft of my novel. I also know that I’ve got so much more to learn. …

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Enjoy It While You Can

[tweetmeme source=”jjdanz” only_single=false] [youtube=] Just cruising through some blues on YouTube and came across Skip James playing Crow Jane. Someday baby you know you got to die …so enjoy all the things about your life, good and bad as they happen. And it doesn’t hurt to carry a large satchel of humility. Because when …

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Send the Artist Out for Coffee

[tweetmeme source=”jjdanz” only_single=false] [youtube=] They say a kiss is just a flower that a bee might return from And do his little dance at the hive Perhaps it’s worth mentioning as I write this song down I am the happiest f*cker alive Because the seashore cries out for a painter to paint it And …

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Steampunk Education

I posted the other day on my need to be better read in the steampunk genre (Since then I’ve received The Difference Engine and Boneshaker and have them piled comfortably on my desk, ready for reading). In addition, for the last seven or eight months I’ve periodically surfed the internet for information on anything from …

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…he felt a loneliness he’d not known since he was a child and he felt wholly alien to the world although he loved it still. Cormac McCarthy All The Pretty Horses [tweetmeme source=”jjdanz” only_single=false] Look at those words. They are not $100 words or $10 words or even $1 words. Those are the words …

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